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Business Consulting
Why 45% Of Small Business Starting Today Won’t Last 3 Years And What They Can Do About It
5 min | Nathan Watt
It's a staggering statistic isn’t it? Almost every 2nd business that starts this year, won’t exist in just 3 years. If you dig deeper into the data set (which you can find here), you also find that 20% of business fail in the first year! Not even 12 months in, and the business (and the dreams of the founders) are dashed.
Business Consulting
What Should A Small Business Board Of Advice Be Talking About?
15 min | Nathan Watt
Do you really think “big” companies come unprepared, with no agenda, just having a chat about whatever has been bothering the CEO this last month? I know they have more resources than you, but you don’t need to spend a lot of time or money to get this right. It’s just a bit of planning.
Business Consulting
For Every Dollar Into Your Bank Account How Much Is Yours To Keep?
25 min | Nathan Watt
Business cash flow can be tricky. Especially when you’re starting out. You see money come into the bank account, you start thinking what you can do with that. Then there’s wages to pay, suppliers you owe, your accountant has reminded you that super and BAS are due, and you need put money away for income tax for next year. Seems like everyone gets paid before you.
Accounting & Tax
BAS | A Beginner’s Guide to Business Activity Statements
5 min | Nathan Watt
New to the world of business finances? The Australian tax code can be difficult to understand for anyone who’s unfamiliar with its many facets, but it’s important that every business owner has at least a basic understanding of things like BAS, GST, and other essential elements of it.