If you’ve got a home loan or even just looked into one, you’ll have heard these terms, and on the surface they seem to do the same thing. A place to deposit extra cash to reduce the interest you pay. So is it just semantics or are there differences you really should know. Well yes, yes there are.
No, we’re not launching a marketing service, so what do we know about making more sales? Apart from growing Watson & Watt from nothing to something in the last 7 years I know that more sales is actually business strategy, not marketing and sales.
They're useless because they only serve a purpose if the desire to achieve that future state is stronger than our desire to stay in our current state – aka if you can be bothered to do something about it.
You know how it goes, you hire a new employee, send them the super choice form and they leave it blank or don't return it, so you're required to set up and contribute to your "default super fund".
If you’ve got a home loan or even just looked into one, you’ll have heard these terms, and on the surface they seem to do the same thing. A place to deposit extra cash to reduce the interest you pay. So is it just semantics or are there differences you really should know. Well yes, yes there are.
No, we’re not launching a marketing service, so what do we know about making more sales? Apart from growing Watson & Watt from nothing to something in the last 7 years I know that more sales is actually business strategy, not marketing and sales.
They're useless because they only serve a purpose if the desire to achieve that future state is stronger than our desire to stay in our current state – aka if you can be bothered to do something about it.
You know how it goes, you hire a new employee, send them the super choice form and they leave it blank or don't return it, so you're required to set up and contribute to your "default super fund".
If you’ve got a home loan or even just looked into one, you’ll have heard these terms, and on the surface they seem to do the same thing. A place to deposit extra cash to reduce the interest you pay. So is it just semantics or are there differences you really should know. Well yes, yes there are.
It's a staggering statistic isn’t it?
Almost every 2nd business that starts this year, won’t exist in just 3 years. If you dig deeper into the data set (which you can find here), you also find that 20% of business fail in the first year! Not even 12 months in, and the business (and the dreams of the founders) are dashed.
You know how it goes, you hire a new employee, send them the super choice form and they leave it blank or don't return it, so you're required to set up and contribute to your "default super fund".
If I told you what your bank balance was going to be in 7 months time. Would you be able to tell me if I was wrong? Are you always a little surprised by payments to the ATO, or super?