
Tips & strategies to help your business grow

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Tailored tips for your growth
Business Consulting
How Many Sales Do You Need To Make The Money You Want?
10 min | Nathan Watt
I’ve got an easy question for you: How much money do you want to make?
Business Consulting
How to quit your job and start a business (by someone who is doing it right now).
15 min | Nathan Watt
It’s scary, I know, quitting your job when you’ve got a family depending on you. You’ve built a life around an income – a mortgage, young kids, bills to pay, a standard of living you’d like to keep and a retirement that’s approaching all too fast (well, kind of).
Business Consulting
What Should A Small Business Board Of Advice Be Talking About?
15 min | Nathan Watt
Do you really think “big” companies come unprepared, with no agenda, just having a chat about whatever has been bothering the CEO this last month? I know they have more resources than you, but you don’t need to spend a lot of time or money to get this right. It’s just a bit of planning.
Accounting & Tax
What is a Company?
5 min | Nathan Watt
Lots of people confuse having a business, with having a company. So what exactly is a company, and how do they work for small and medium businesses?