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Accounting & Tax
How To Know If A Business Name Is Taken
15 min | Nathan Watt
Naming your business can be tricky. It certainly consumes a lot of mental energy for some people when starting a business and many a consultant has made a fortune coming up with names and brands for businesses. Then even when you’ve got something you think is great, how are you to know if a business is taken?
General Mortgage Broking
What Do Lenders Use As Your Income When You’re Self-Employed?
10 min | Nathan Watt
If you’ve ever wondered how much money you could borrow you’ve no doubt found a lender’s borrowing capacity calculator, plugged in a few details and out spits a number – and if you're an employee for the most part that’s fine. There are a few wrinkles when it comes to casual employment, bonus', and regular overtime etc but generally PAYG income is what it is. But business owner income. Ohh boy. Buckle up.
Business Consulting
Do You Know Your Numbers?
5 min | Nathan Watt
Every business owner needs to be more than familiar with their numbers. They need to know them truly madly deeply.
Business Consulting
Sales Is Not A Dirty Word
10 min | Nathan Watt
One of the biggest challenges I faced in my career as an accountant and business consultant is sales. And if I felt the heat when I was working for other people, it magnified to the intensity of the sun, when I started my own business with no customers.