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Tailored tips for your growth
Accounting & Tax
An Employer’s Guide To Stapled Superannuation
10 min | Nathan Watt
You know how it goes, you hire a new employee, send them the super choice form and they leave it blank or don't return it, so you're required to set up and contribute to your "default super fund".
Business Consulting
How Many Sales Do You Need To Make The Money You Want?
10 min | Nathan Watt
I’ve got an easy question for you: How much money do you want to make?
Business Consulting
Sales Is Not A Dirty Word
10 min | Nathan Watt
One of the biggest challenges I faced in my career as an accountant and business consultant is sales. And if I felt the heat when I was working for other people, it magnified to the intensity of the sun, when I started my own business with no customers.
General Mortgage Broking
What Is Approval In Principle?
10 min | Nathan Watt
Buying a property can be a stressful time. It’s one of the biggest financial investments most people make. So it makes sense to be as prepared as possible before you go signing purchase contracts. That’s why as part of our process we suggest clients obtain approval in principle before they go looking for a property.